Photo Credit: Nichole Larson @ Nichole Marie Photography


how it all started


How it all started…

An idea that began to form at the end of 2016, Hot Mess Cleaning was then built from scratch by Lindi and Steve. At the beginning of December, hours were spent putting flyers on doors through multiple neighborhoods, without even knowing if flyers still worked now-a-days. The perseverance and trudging through the snow had indeed paid off, with our first actual clean taking place on Dec. 9, 2016. The only problem, we scheduled the clean for the 9th in the morning, late night on the 8th. Normally, not an issue…but we still needed essentially all of our equipment and supplies.

So with that clean scheduled, Steve was vacuum shopping at midnight and gathering what supplies we needed to get through a clean. 3 years later, we have multiple teams and more cleans than we could have ever imagined possible. We are absolutely grateful for the many clients who have given us a chance and allowed us to clean their homes.